A Little on my Story

I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Treaty 1 Territory... on living land that has been cared for by Indigenous peoples for thousands of years before the arrival of my ancestors...

When I was 4 years old… I knew who I was and why I was here. I knew it was to be something between a teacher, a doctor, and a psychologist. Someone who could see inside people… see their beauty, and could both help them to see that, and to let go of the parts of them that were not true. I couldn’t express that and had never seen it in my outside world… So, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said, “An archeologist.”

Close enough…

Always a different and sensitive type, who found the outside world foreign and overwhelming at times, I found my way in quiet spaces, deep conversations, and fascinating learning about anything that ‘lit me up.’

Along the way I came across many perspectives on healing, and was strengthened by teachers, healers and ‘women further down the road than me’ to do the inner work that shows up on a daily basis.

And... I am grateful for it all.

No stories are as beautiful as the ones we unwind in ourselves… the ones that take us to knowing our goodness. I have walked many of mine, and now live great joy in helping others to do the same.

Many of those journeys have changed me and awakened my heart to how we are to each other….

So much harm comes from so many of us not knowing that we are good… and by extension not recognizing the goodness and value inherent in others.

This world is at a place that invites us all to our healing… to awaken the best in ourselves… and to use it to help each other and this world we share.

The offerings here are my little part in this effort.

… and I’m sure the 4-year-old is pleased. 


The Blue Dragonfly